Answer Campus

The game that takes you on a journey through a college campus to explore challenging scenarios around identity markers such as race, gender, sexuality, ableism, and more.

August 2022 - Now

Project Overview

Recognized by the International Serious Play Awards for excellence, Answer Campus, is a game that takes you on a journey through a college campus to explore challenging scenarios around identity markers such as race, gender, sexuality, ableism, and more. As you navigate the interactive stories, you'll have the opportunity to respond to challenging scenarios and choose from a variety of actions, including being supportive, diplomatic, combative, or disengaged. You'll be able to explore different approaches and learn about the impact of your choices.


Experiece Design
Visual Design
Character Design
Background Design
Project Manager
Faculty Lead
UX Designer

As you navigate the interactive stories, you'll have the opportunity to respond to challenging scenarios and choose from a variety of actions, including being supportive, diplomatic, combative, or disengaged. You'll be able to explore different approaches and learn about the impact of your choices. With multiple characters and stories in a shared universe, you'll experience the world from different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of identity and discrimination. Are you ready to explore a world of diversity and challenge your preconceptions?


  • Promote Inclusivity: The primary goal of "Answer Campus" is to promote inclusivity and create a safe, virtual space for engaging in challenging conversations around identity markers, such as race, gender, sexuality, and ableism.
  • Educational Engagement: The project aims to educate players in social awareness, compassion, and respect, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of identity and discrimination.
  • Tolerance and Empathy: By presenting players with diverse scenarios, the game encourages the development of tolerance, empathy, and better strategies for navigating difficult situations.
  • Real-World Impact: "Answer Campus" aspires to serve as an antidote to cancel culture, shifting the focus from divisiveness to constructive dialogue, especially within college campuses.
  • Scalability: The project's goal is to create a game that can expand and scale over time, potentially becoming a valuable tool for first-year orientations at educational institutions.
  • User Feedback Integration: Constantly seeking to improve, the team plans to consider user feedback and adapt the game based on player responses and experiences.

Design Process

  1. Conceptualization: The project began with the conceptualization phase, where the team outlined the game's core ideas and objectives, focusing on addressing real-world identity and diversity challenges.
  2. Research and Story Development: Extensive research and story development were conducted to create immersive scenarios reflecting issues around identity markers, ensuring the game's content was grounded in real experiences and perspectives.
  3. Illustration and Art Creation: Artists and designers embarked on illustrating characters and backgrounds based on the developed stories, striving for authentic representation and emotional impact.
  4. Refinement and Iteration: The design elements, including UI, were refined and iterated upon to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. Feedback loops helped in improving the visual and interactive aspects.
  5. Prototyping and Testing: Prototypes were created to test and refine gameplay mechanics, allowing for adjustments to scenarios and choices based on user testing and feedback.
  6. Final Development: The game's final components, including user interfaces and interactive elements, were developed, taking into account the insights gained during testing.
  7. Deployment and Scaling: After rigorous testing and refinement, the game was deployed, aiming to make it available to a wider audience. Plans for future updates and scaling of the game were explored.



Clay Ewing
Jaswinder Bolina
Fabrizio Darby


Bronze Medal - International Serious Play Awards 2023

Official Selection - Film Gate International 2023