Top Suits

Top Suit's aim is to enhance astronauts' autonomy and support systems, particularly crucial for future deep-space exploration.

April 2019

Project Overview

Top Suits" stands as a groundbreaking venture within NASA's Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students (NASA SUITS) program. In collaboration with eight other university teams, this project focuses on pioneering Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces tailored to aid astronauts during extra-vehicular activities (EVA) on the International Space Station (ISS). The aim is to enhance astronauts' autonomy and support systems, particularly crucial for future deep-space exploration.


3D Modeling
Video Editing
Motion Graphics
UX Design

Key Goals

  1. Innovative AR Interfaces: Develop cutting-edge AR interfaces to assist astronauts during EVA, fostering autonomy and efficiency.
  2. Deep Space Exploration Support: Design interfaces with the potential to significantly contribute to the success of deeper space exploration missions.
  3. Simulation Housing: Create a realistic training box housing to simulate the exterior of an ISS module, providing astronauts with a comprehensive training experience.
  4. Public Engagement: Enhance public understanding and engagement with space exploration through immersive experiences showcased at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Design Process

  1. NASA SUITS Collaboration:The project's inception involved collaboration with NASA SUITS, participating in a program dedicated to advancing spacesuit technologies.
  2. AR Interface Development:A significant portion of the project focused on developing state-of-the-art AR interfaces, meticulously designed to support astronauts in the unique conditions of space.
  3. Simulation Housing Creation:The creation of a realistic training box housing was a crucial aspect, simulating the ISS module exterior to provide astronauts with an authentic training environment.
  4. Training Videos for Onboarding:Recognizing the importance of a seamless onboarding experience, comprehensive training videos were crafted. These videos served as a vital component of the overall user experience, facilitating the smooth transition for astronauts learning to use the AR interfaces.
  5. ACCelerate Festival Showcase:"Top Suits" took center stage at the ACCelerate Festival held at the Smithsonian Museum of American History. The immersive experience offered festival attendees a glimpse into the advancements and challenges of space exploration.


Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premier Pro


Zevensuy Rodriguez